Python Regius (Krajta Královská)


  1. 1.0 Cinnamon ball python CB 2017
  2. 1.0 Champagne Fire Pastel (Firefly Champagne) CB 2019 - SOLD
  3. 0.1 Fire Pastel (Firefly) CB 2014
  4. 0.1 Spider YB 100% het Clown CB 2015
  5. 1.0 Albino Black Pastel 100% het Clown CB 07/2022


  1. 0.1 Black Eyed Lucy (Superfire) CB 07/2022 - SOLD
  2. 0.1 Black Eyed Lucy (Superfire) CB 07/2022 - RESERVED
  3. 0.1 Superfire Champagne Pastel (Paradox) CB 07/2022
  4. 0.1 Black Eyed Lucy (Superfire) CB 07/2022 - SOLD
  5. 0.1 Superfire Champagne CB 07/2022 
  6. 0.1 Champagne Pastel CB 07/2022 - RESERVED
  7. 1.0 Champagne Fire Pastel (Firefly Champagne) CB 07/2022 

Balls are maybe the most popular pet snakes around the world. It is maybe ´cause of their non-countable morph versions and their calm behavior. They are realy calm noodles and easy to keep. They need around 32°C in enclosure and 50-60% of humidity. Body lengh 100-150cm. Lets say - They are gorgeous. In case of any question don´t hesitate to contact us by email or use contact form in a home screen.

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